A simple process for building an outstanding personal brand

One of the most important factors in achieving success in any
business is an excellent reputation. The following five step process is a
simple model for building an outstanding personal brand.

1. Accurately assess what your personal brand currently

Spend some time reflecting on how you are currently perceived.
Consider the following:

a. How do people react to your suggestions in comparison to

b. Who in your office or business gets given the best work?  If it’s not you, what is the reason?

c. What honest feedback have you received from someone you

2. Clearly define what you want your personal brand to represent

Write down some specific words or phrases that you want your personal brand to represent. Aim to make your personal brand clearly defined and easy
to understand. Consider the following:

a. What do you want your personal brand to represent?

b. Who do you respect? What specifically do you respect
about them?

c. What qualities would you look for when hiring or
promoting someone?

3. Plan how you will build your personal brand

Outline a plan on how you will take your personal brand from
where it is now, to where you want it to be. Consider the following:

a. What things are inside your control to change?

b. Who can help you?

c. What are the drivers of your brand? For example, if you
aim to be seen as trustworthy or reliable, ensure that you do exactly what you
say you will do.

4. Start

As is becoming a common theme in this blog, Action Trumps Everything; take a concrete step right now towards improving your personal

5. Repeat

This is perhaps the most important step: measure your progress. (i.e. Go back to Step 1 and accurately assess what your personal brand now represents).

As you progress in your career or build your
business, remember that you will be judged, fairly or unfairly, on everything
you do and the way you do everything.